Monday, 18 March 2013

Main Task Update

After having mentioned our problem of filming on the London Underground to another teacher, we were told that applying for a permit is in fact a possibility, due to the fact that because this is a school project the expensive insurance would be covered by the government. Therefore the cost will work out at around £12.50 per person (4 people) to pay for our permit. After enquiring to TFL about the application we were told that this would involve a written screenplay and/or a synopsis of our narrative. We applied as quickly as possible after meeting to discuss changes to the written screenplay by Keeley Burridge, and the synopsis. Our group assigned everyone roles for what we were each responsible for (of course we've discussed and collaborated a little on everything as this is a group project), and Keeley was appointed Screenplay writer. Throughout this project it seems that every one has assumed their natural roles, and for this reason Keeley (being a talented writer) became our main writer.  

Below are a couple images displaying the final screenplay. We decided that the draft Keeley had written during the holdiays was effective the way it was therefore we didn't want to alter it too much. The voice over gave away just the right amount of information the audience needs to know about the protagonist,  but not too much that stimulation of enigma is lost. 
We also used these materials when pitching our idea to the rest of the class. 

After meeting together many times and developing our narrative Keeley also wrote out a neat version of what we all collaborated on- not quite our synopsis, but more of a "promotional paragraph" similar to the summary on the back of movie cases.

Summary of narrative:
Ariadne Russo is different. It’s not the fact that the spoken word seems to elude her. It’s not the fact that she never knew the identity of her parents. Her memories are lost, stolen by ghostly figures she no longer remembers. She is as blank as the map that holds the key to her identity, blank save for a few rough outlines of London dotted with red marks. After the map makes its way into her possession through a series of unusual circumstances in her foster home, the young, lost woman is inclined to follow it to where ever it may lead her, in vain hopes that it might just help her rediscover her voice and her memories. What she doesn't know is that others are following the same path; one- intent upon saving her, the other- destroying her. Ariadne is the unwitting holder of a remarkable gift that allows her to sense where objects have been by mere touch, unlocking their secrets and inanimate stories. Yet her psychometric ability, it seems, has been cut from her just as everything else has, another lost key to whom, or what she may be.  With people searching for a girl so lost within her, will she be found by the right person? Or is it too late for her to even regain what is lost and save herself?

Our back story and more detailed description is discussed in our formal pitch which we recorded in class below>

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