During our second gathering to discuss our film narrative we developed our starting point. At our initial meeting we discussed a girl sitting in the corner of the London Underground, and showing her dishevelled appearance through close-up shots of our character. By the end of our second meeting we had a basic outline of what we saw happening in our two minutes. We basically created a shot list of this opening and built on each other's ideas. I think one of the things we had trouble on agreeing was how much information we should give to the audience in order to maintain enigma but avoid confusion. We thought perhaps if we left some things unsolved about this character then it would be easier to uphold the enigma, without giving too much away.
In addition to the shot list, our group came up with the McGuffin for our narrative which is a map. To create more intrigue for the audience the map will be blank save for a few red marks and lines and in possession of the girl protagonist. In terms of her story we didn't come up with much as we were debating how much of the narrative we need to have developed, however we know she is a closed off character for one reason or another. From this we developed the key theme we want to portray- isolation.We thought the original location of the London Underground would be perfect for this as the purposeful crowds contrast to our protagonist who feels isolated amongst them, and can create quite a cinematic feel with the low-key lighting and mix of all sorts of people.
Unfortunately, in the following lesson we inquired about filming on the underground only to be informed that we have to apply for a £50 student permit along with extremely expensive insurance. Due to these financial restrictions it's not going to be possible to film on the underground. Following these upsetting news we began to list other possible areas that would evoke the same feel as the London Underground and developing our narrative and protagonists further.
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