Sunday, 17 March 2013

Film Openings - Love Actually

This last film opening we looked at together in class employs the use of voice-over to stimulate enigma. It establishes two lead protagonists as well as the romantic-comedy genre. Whilst the first minute focuses mostly on the different kinds of love and establishes it's universality, the second commences in a comedic way through the use of a well-known celebrity who's part of the all-star cast. You could argue that similar to Forrest Gump, the opening two minutes of Love Actually also establish the basic narrative of the film. Hugh Grant mentions almost all the forms of love to be explored within the narrative and just as all these forms are united in the one place in the opening two minutes- the protagonists are united in the same place further on in the film. 

Love Actually - Timeline of Opening Sequence

1/20 sec's - Company titles fade in, slowly bottom of screen. Normal, white font used. Arrival 
                     gate, Heathrow- people hugging amongst crowds. Opening non-diagetic music 
                     sounds like a "glow"- synth strings used? Public displays of affection continue- 
                     different people, different situations. Non-diagetic music and visuals work 
                     together to evoke feelings of love and warmth. Camera doesn't linger too long on 
                     each couple or situation- just long enough to show the few moments of affection 
                     shared by everyone- this portrays more of a general concept through staying 
                    distanced to the characters on screen, however it still reaches out to the audience 
                    as these moments are something everyone can relate to.  

2/20 sec's - Situations discussed in voice-over explored through visuals. Voice-over begins- 
                      immediately evident that it's Hugh Grant. Piano music starts playing 
                      underneath as the voice over develops.

3/20 sec's - Speaking of relatable/universal concepts.  Warm hues evoked through 
                     cinematography. Final line fades in word by word as spoken by Hugh Grant.
                     Voice-over pauses a little after title is spoken in sentence. " all around" fades 
                     away and the movie title is left on screen. "love" turns a red colour and "actually"
                     remains white. Meanwhile title grows very slowly and subtly in size- starts to 
                     fade, word "love" is last to fade away. 

Second Minute begins 

1/20 sec's - Music fades through chimes into Christmasy music. Comedic aspect of film 
                     introduced here after "love" concept introduced in the opening. Song playing is 
                     really cheesy and well-known. Actor's names appear as character is introduced. 

2/20 sec's - Emphasis on the "love" lyric in the song- establishes the genre of a rom-com. 

3/20 sec's- continues...

Through the uses of including well-known celebrities in this opening and establishing a universal theme to which everyone can relate enigma is stimulated, within the opening two minutes. 

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