Sunday, 24 March 2013

Development of Character - Isaac & Ariadne

The two lead protagonists in our narrative are Ariadne Russo (lead female protagonist) and Isaac (lead male protagonist). After having mind-mapped the basic personality of Ariadne (below) we started to talk about what kind of impression we want the audience to get from her character and how we are going to represent her. Our group member Cary Banks is our official costume researcher as well as story-boarder  therefore we discussed a general concept that Cary is able to develop.


The mind-map discusses the back bones of Ariadne's character. She is on the run and a generally guarded person, therefore she doesn't trust people too easily. She's not the kind to smile at a stranger, mostly she keeps to herself and her writing. Not many people notice her, she's not the kind to attract much attention, therefore it's no surprise someone bumps into her without realising- knocking her bag off and spilling her papers everywhere.
She doesn't have many accessories on her. Practically she came from a foster care home and doesn't have much money or possessions on her- she doesn't tend to get emotionally attached to small things, just give her some paper and a pen and she can draw you her dreams. The only jewellery she wears is a silver band ring from her infancy- it's a link to her past with Isaac- they found it together during one of their many adventures. She's a strong character. But because she cannot speak she gets very annoyed when she wants to say something and can't- because of this she has a short temper. And Isaac is the opposite- he laughs at the small things she obsesses over and is a contrasting more relaxed character.
Before I move onto Isaac- Cary created a mood board for Ari's appearance which is to the right>>

 Ariadne is a guarded character, therefore her clothes would not give too much of her away. She is on the run - depicted through her dishevelled appearance and lack of care about personal fashion. Her clothes will be in-keeping within natural hues, but nothing detailed- mostly plain colours. In the early developments of her character we discussed her looking like a blank-canvas. She doesn't know who she is- and this is what she is trying to discover. She wears a satchel- practical for all the things she needs (paper, pencils, pens- all sorts of stationary, water, some snacks, map, scarf etc...) and she's had this satchel for as long as she can remember. It looks quite worn and like it's been many places- the fabric is canvas-style. She has writing on her hands and ink stains here and there. The clothes she wears aren't mainly from high-street stores, she prefers to buy second-hand clothing as she was raised to be practical. But her clothes depict a certain sensibility and classiness that girls of her age don't usually have.


As I began to explain, Isaac has an opposite attitude to Ariadne. He's more relaxed about the little things and doesn't get mad easily- it's the future and Ari's demons that bother him most. He's naturally protective of Ariadne, sometimes too much, having taken her under his wing in their infancy when they were both in the same care home for kids. He's more logical than creative like Ari is in terms of his interests and is very precise in everything he does (for example- map making) . Whilst Ari is intrigued in the cultres of the world and travel Isaac is interested in travel but admiring it from a distance- he has more of a stable view of home, contrasting to Ari who is used to bringing her home wherever she goes. He's an organized character and likes to be prepared. Below is the other mood board Cary prepared for Isaac's appearance.

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