For me, the creative process for this task began before this lesson- when we were asked to research the conventions of our given genre. I also began to recall any specific scenes from previous action films that I've watched to rein in on any reccuring conventions/ideas that may be useful.
Research Obtained
- Effects tend to be used excessively and dramatically during action films e.g. car engines, explosions, weapon sounds etc...
-The only basic non-diagetic sound is the music
- Music is quite a strong tool used to emphasize the pace of the action as well as emotions felt by character
- Lighting within an action film isn't a large convention as costume is
- Costumes tend to be smart dress (plot line usually involves business/money related problems)
Editing Pace
- This tends to be quite fast, however a slower editing pace can also be used to express characters feelings or for example due to a romance (e.g. romance scenes)
General Types of Shots used
- Basic traditional shots : Wide Shot, Medium Shot, Two shot, Close up etc...
- Also shots that depict movement- Panning, POV shaky cam
- From my personal point of view- I remembered many high + low angle camera positions to portray power used in action films
-Establishing shots used to show damage/"action" scenes i.e. explosions/landscapes
After the researching stage, when we began to plan our storyboard; I think everyone began to contribute ideas based on things we have seen in action movies. Its safe to say, we did this pretty much the whole way through the planning stage- if we wouldn't expect to see it in an action film that we've seen- we didn't use it.
Whenever we had too many choices to chose from, we would stop and ask ourselves which would be the most realistic and appropriate. Initially, we asked everyone if they had any burning ideas that they had to put forward. After this- taking those ideas into account- we began to plan our story board. Sometimes we would come up with an idea that was further along the line of events, so we would draw that in and then get back to where we had gotten up to. Whilst we were planning, we remembered to consider what was already written into our script (which was pre-written for us)- such as the setting. In addition to this, each group was given a prop before hand that we had to incorporate into our film- ours was a gun. When we were approaching middle-to-end section of the script our group began to consider the shots we could use to show the weapon and how we would act around it. We also took into account outfits ( as we discovered this was a large part of action film) as we planned, lighting- and of course sound.
The official cast was decided at the very end of the storyboard planning (although I think we all mutually agreed as to who would play which role throughout planning- whilst thinking about certain scenes and how we would shoot them we automatically imagined certain people of our group for certain roles. Luckily the people who we imagined to be the characters in our heads were the same for everyone).
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