Most of the production day entailed a verbal introduction by a teacher who had a variety of experience in the film industry, for example working side by side the director as an assistant. I found
I think the thing that struck me the most after our first shooting session is how long it takes to shoot a film. We only managed to record one shot, which will last for a couple seconds in the movie. I found how difficult it is to get the shot you see so clearly in your head, without using professional equipment, at the same time as trying to progress as much as possible in shooting so we don't fall behind schedule. Manoeuvring the camera also wasn't easy, particularly because the shots we needed were close ups of feet walking up the stairs, I found getting camera at the correct angle took some time and practice. However as we've filmed more and more of our footage, I think we've all become more comfortable with controlling and using the camera, to channel our creative vision through this form of media.
Within this session we familiarised ourselves with each other creatively during the planning of the film when everyone was contributing ideas. This was difficult to go through at first. However we slowly began to listen to one another more and pick and choose realistically what would be possible to create, as we realised the pressure of time. Despite loosing extra filming time , I think it was really necessary to plan our film thoroughly I found we referred to the story board more than I expected, it also helped us remember our initial ideas which was also important to ensure we are on task and aren't steering astray from our genre.
Going back to the introduction to filming, we were given a simple initial task putting the key aspects of gaining the attention of the audience into practice- these aspects are listed below. They are something we will consider when shooting our action film.
Key Terms
- Continuity (or Match-On-Action)
"This technique can preserve temporal continuity where there is a uniform, unrepeated physical motion or change within a passage. "
Attracting the attention of the audience
- Focus
- Zoom
- Soft/Sharp
I think to make further progress we need to listen to each other more and realize the conventions of an action film that we obtained during research. Also, judging by how long it took us to film the first shot- although perfectionism is something that I'm sure will pay off, in the future we need to find a balance between achieving what we planned to in a certain amount of time and ensuring it is of the quality we wanted. To achieve this I think planning in advance is something important, and ensuring that out of our group we chose the person who is most comfortable and confident with the scene to be filmed, to avoid numerous retakes.
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