Monday, 22 April 2013

Audience Research

Gender ... Because of the complexity of our narrative and the interlacing of both action/drama, thriller/romance themes the gender of our target audience is both male and female. I think because nowadays the theme of action can appeal to both genders it's hard to allocate the theme of action/thriller mainly to male audiences. Our use of a female protagonist (as in the Hunger Games) also expands our audience to female viewers along with the aspects of drama and romance. Yet again, due to the individuality and complexity of audiences of the modern day, it's not always the case that all girls will be attracted to the "drama" and "romance" side of things. The contents of the quote below proves that the combination of targeting both genders is in fact possible and the versatility of today's audience.

"According to a recent tracking report, 73% of young women surveyed had definite interest in seeing the movie, a "staggering" figure on its own, according to a former studio executive. But male interest could boost the box office for "The Hunger Games" exponentially, with 48% of young men saying they're definitely interested in seeing the movie."

Age ... Due to our main protagonist being a teenager, our target audience is estimated to be of a similar age for relatability reasons.  However the themes explored in this film aren't exactly "light", therefore a more mature audience would relate/understand perhaps better than a younger audience might. Saying this- we have maintained a general theme and even if an audience outside of the target audeince range views the film, I believe there will still be the general understanding of this theme of Isolation. The feelings Ariadne is portrayed to have can link to anyone depending on their experiences.

Overall we gave this movie a rating of 12A. We believe that this film may deal with mature issues, these can also be understood and interpreted by a younger audience, even though they may not appreciate it fully. Also in terms of distribution, it leaves the door open as to who can watch it, gaining as wide an audience as possible. We want the film, much like Inception, to be open to any age, but not rate it as a PG so that teenagers are prevented from seeing it because they think it's too general or even aimed at a younger audience, and not aimed at teenagers. This is another example of how Inception influenced our decisions in the making of this film opening.

Characteristics ... Verisimilitude plays a large part in the audience that will view it ultimately, the more relatable, the more likely the audience will see it. Ariadne is isolated and cut off, which is a trait that many people experience at one point or another, and this will help the audience to instantly identify with Ari, because they know what she has gone through.

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