Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Acting Research

After various meetings discussing who we would cast in our film we came to the conclusion that Ariadne is a role that would be best played by Keeley Burridge. We thought that as well as portraying the character well physically, her knowledge and understanding of the Ariadne would result in a convincing performance.

As I have already mentioned in a previous post, Meryl Streep's method acting approach to the character of Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady (2011) is a method we also tried to incorporate into our film. We placed items we believed Ari would carry with her at this point and time explored in the narrative.

In terms of Ariadne's behaviour and appearance on camera, we knew before hand that she's a character who's invisible to most people. She has so much to say yet she's frustrated at her inability to say things she can't express. We were going to communicate this through her shoving the papers back into her back when she's bumped into in the tunnel. The camera also has to keep up with her and we're not immediately shown her full appearance;  it's only when we have the single close up of her lifting her head that the audience really sees what she looks like for the first time. This also reflects how she doesn't trust people easily and she won't let just anyone in- how her trust must be earned.

Our friend Cameron was cast in the role for Isaac. Of course due to the fact that we didn't know many people who could play the part, he really was our only option. We mainly represented his character through his attire (explained in an earlier post on costume). During the shot where he's on the opposite platform, he acts slightly surprised and confused  when he spots Ariadne to communicate to our audience he perhaps has a previous link to her. This also is a part of stimulate enigma, as this question is not answered in the opening two minutes and leaves viewers wanting to know what his significance in the narrative is. Cam's appearance suited very much how we (or at least I) saw Isaac in my mind.

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