During one of our last sessions to be spent on representation, we were looking at the portrayal of class through the above clip in our groups. Below are some of the ideas we came up with on our table and a couple of my own ideas also.
- Even by solely focusing on the costume of the actors it is immediately obvious what their class and status is. The dirtier, darker and less luxurious looking clothes if the young boy and his family support their lower class status. To emphasize this, within the first shot the boy is also seen with no shoes on- later to receive some as a gift from his parents, which highlights how even the most basic items they barely have money for. This contrasts to the more costly clothings of the upper class characters who wear brighter clothing with more layers- the contrast between the two highlights the financial differences very obviously through this extract.
- During the initial shots, the setting of the young boy's family is in a rural location in a forest. To me the house (not even that) in which they were filmed doesn't appear to have been built for that purpose but perhaps as a shed. The colour and lighting of this scene is also very natural and evokes coldness in my opinion from the blue tones.
- To continue on the point of lighting- where the boy enters the "shed" we see the place suddenly light up which I thought could connote to three things: 1- practically, this family can't even afford a candle or a simple source of light/warth 2- symbolically, the darkness could symbolise how their lives have turned dark due to their not being able to provide food for everyone. 3- The boy could be viewed as the "hope" of the family as he clearly helps take care of the baby, helps his father and later in the clip we witness him earning money from the master (I presume?) of the land/estate.
- Setting of the higher class characters (during the scene where the boy is brought inside by the owner) the colouring is immediately warmer toned, as the natural lighting reflects off of the luxurious wooden furnishings, floors and walls.
Body Language & Positioning
- where the boy drops to the floor and begins to lick his hands, his weakness due to lack of nourishment is shown here. The owner then grabs the boy to move him onto the chair, which our table discussed to perhaps the foreshadowing of what role this man may play in this boy's life- how he may help him out financially as shown in the clip.
- Where both carriages pull up and the passengers converse it could reflect their high status through this positioning, also their acceptance towards others within the same class.
Camera Angles & Movement
- During the scene where the owner converses with an older woman of high status the camera angle is low and slightly looking up at both characters- again a sign of having a higher social stauts
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